5 Centers:Where to Get Yellow Fever Vaccination in Kerala,India

     “A single dose of vaccination is sufficient to confer life-long immunity against yellow fever disease.”


  • What is “Yellow fever vaccination”?

The yellow fever virus is transmitted by the bite of female mosquitoes and is found in tropical and subtropical Areas in South America and Africa, but not in Asia. Yellow fever presents in most cases in humans with fever, chills, Anorexia, nausea, muscle pain (with prominent backache) and headache, which generally subsides after several days. A safe and effective vaccine against yellow fever has existed since the middle of the 20th century, and some countries require vaccinations for travellers. Yellow fever vaccination certificate issue for 10 years and certificate becomes valid after 10 days vaccination. Yellow fever vaccination certificate mandatory for all person (including infant) who have been travelling To the affected countries.

The reason why i am writing this article ?

  • I am from north side of Kerala (Calicut) and you know i suffered a lot to find a center in my area. There wasn’t much information about yellow fever vaccination in internet. With the help of my-friends in Kenya i have taken the test at last. I don’t want any one else to suffer , so i put up this article. I hope it will be useful to many. 


  • CLICK HERE -To find 17 “Yellow fever vaccination” Centers in other parts of India .


Centers for taking yellow fever vaccination in Kerala.

“Authorized centers” : 

1: Port Health Organization Cochin:


  • Address: Willington Island, Cochin – 682 033. (Step down at Ernakulum south railway station and take Willington island bus).
  • Consultation Days: Wednesday and Friday.
  • Consultation Timing: 10:00 to 14:00
  • Tel No : 0484 – 2666 060 / 2666 392.
  • Consultation fee:  350/Inr
  • timings passengers have to reach the centre before 10 AM along with passport.
  • Requirements: Passport copy.

NB: Make sure to reach the venue as early as possible.

2. Cochin International Airport(CIAL) health organization : 



“Port health and Cochin international airport health organisation are the only authorized vaccination center in Kerala. no private hospitals is authorized to give the vaccination”


Below mentioned hospitals are Not Recommended :

3:  Amrita medical hospital Cochin:

  • I heard Amritha hospital Cochin is also providing the injection ,if you bring the vaccination from outside .I am not sure about the facilities. And heard its every expensive.

4: Koyas Hospital Calicut :

  • I went to Koyas and came to know that they actually provide the vaccination ,but my travel agent advised me to go Cochin.

5: National Hospital Calicut:

  • Please go and check,i am not sure.But one of my friend said ,National hospital is providing.

Precautions To take :

  • Vaccination should not be taken on empty stomach.
  • Please wait 15 minutes after vaccination to conform health status.
  • Take paracetamol  ,Cronin,in case of fever at pain at the site of injection.


Possible side effects of yellow fever vaccination:

  • Fever
  • Head ache
  • Pain at the site of injection.
  • Sever anaphylactic reaction
  • Breathlessness
  • Choking
  • Sweating
  • Severe shock
  • Redness, irritation at the site of injection/all over the body.


Passengers buying yellow fever vaccine injection .stamaril from the chemists are required to maintain the temperature 2 to 8 degree Celsius and should keep the vaccine refrigerated  in the top shelf of the fridge and to bring the vaccine in ice pack to The hospital. Any side effect non maintenance of cold chain will b the responsibility of the passenger (fever body ache,malaise vomiting analaphlactic,reaction(rare))

For more details please mail to me -ask@jithumpablog.com

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